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JIS R 2205:1992 (R2017) Testing...
ITU-T M.70 Guiding principles on the general maintenance organization for telephone-type international circuits
ITU-T M.90 Sub-control stations
ITU-T M.100 Service circuits
ITU-T M.110 Circuit testing
ITU-T M.120 Access points for maintenance
ITU-T M.125 Digital loopback mechanisms
ITU-T M.160 Stablity of transmission
ITU-T M.320 Numbering of the channels in a group
ITU-T M.330 Numbering of groups within a supergroup
ITU-T M.340 Numbering of supergroups within a mastergroup
ITU-T M.350 Numbering of mastergroups within a supermastergroup
ITU-T M.380 Numbering in coaxial systems