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ITU-T M.1350 Setting up, lining up and characteristics of international data transmission systems operating in the range 2.4 kbit/s to 14.4 kbit/s
ITU-T M.1355 Maintenance of international data transmission systems operating in the range 2.4 to 14.4 kbit/s
ITU-T Q.500 Digital local, combined, transit and international exchanges - Introduction and field of application
ITU-T Q.522 Digital exchange connections, signalling and ancillary functions
ITU-T Q.500 Supplement 1 Definition of relative levels, transmission loss and attenuation/frequency distortion for digital exchanges with complex impedances at Z interfaces
ITU-T Q.500 Supplement 2 Impedance strategy for telephone instruments and digital local exchanges in the British Telecom Network
ITU-T Q.940 ISDN user-network interface protocol for management - General aspects