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ITU-R F.162-3 Use of directional transmitting antennas in the fixed service operating in bands below about 30 MHz
ITU-R BS.645-2 Test signals and metering to be used on international sound programme connections
ITU-R BO.652-1 Reference patterns for Earth-station and satellite antennas for the broadcasting satellite service in the 12 GHz band and for the associated feeder links in the 14 GHz and 17 GHz bands
ITU-R BO.793-0 Partitioning of noise between feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service (BSS) and BSS downlinks
ITU-R SF.766-0 Methods for determining the effects of interference on the performance and the availability of terrestrial radio-relay systems and systems in the fixed-satellite service
ITU-R BS.646-1 Source encoding for digital sound signals in broadcasting studios
ITU-T Q.922 Digital subcriber signalling system no. 1 (DSS 1); data link layer; ISDN data link layer specification for frame mode bearer services
ITU-T T.90 Characteristics and protocols for terminals for telematic services in ISDN
ITU-T X.721 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management information: Definition of management information
ITU-T X.733 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Alarm reporting function
ITU-T Q.951.2 Stage 3 description for number identification supplementary services using DSS 1 : Multiple subscriber number (MSN)
ITU-T Q.955.1 Stage 3 description for community of interest supplementary services using DSS 1 : Closed user group