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ITU-R S.734-0 The application of interference cancellers in the fixed-satellite service
ITU-R S.737-0 Relationship of technical coordination methods within the fixed-satellite service
ITU-R S.738-0 Procedure for determining if coordination is required between geostationary-satellite networks sharing the same frequency bands
ITU-R S.744-0 Orbit/spectrum improvement measures for satellite networkshaving more than one service in one or more frequency bands
ITU-R S.739-0 Additional methods for determining if detailed coordination isnecessary between geostationary-satellite networks in thefixed-satellite service sharing the same frequency bands
ITU-R S.740-0 Technical coordination methods for fixed-satellite networks
ITU-R M.826-0 Transmission of information for updating electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS)
ITU-R M.827-0 Hypothetical reference digital path for systems in the mobile-satellite service using feeder links
ITU-R M.496-3 Limits of power flux-density of radionavigation transmitters to protect space station receivers in the fixed-satellite service in the 14 GHz band
ITU-R SNG.722-1 Uniform technical standards (analogue) for satellite news gathering (SNG)
ITU-R M.817-0 International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000). Network architectures
ITU-R P.532-1 Ionospheric effects and operational considerations associated with artificial modification of the ionosphere and the radio-wave channel