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ITU-R S.1424-0 Availability objectives for a hypothetical reference digital path when used for the transmission of B-ISDN asynchronous transfer mode in the fixed-satellite service by geostationary orbit satellite systems using frequencies below 15 GHz
ITU-R S.1425-0 Transmission considerations for digital carriers using higher levels of modulation on satellite circuits
ITU-R S.1426-0 Aggregate power flux-density limits, at the FSS satellite orbit for radio local area network (RLAN) transmitters operating in the 5 150-5 250 MHz band sharing frequencies with the FSS (RR No. S5.447A)
ITU-R S.1429-0 Error performance objectives due to internetwork interference between GSO and non-GSO FSS systems for hypothetical reference digital paths operating at or above the primary rate carried by systems using frequencies below 15 GHz
ITU-R S.1430-0 Determination of the coordination area for Earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations with respect to Earth stations operating in the reverse direction in frequency bands allocated bidirectionally to the fixed-satellite service
ITU-R S.1433-0 Uplink and inter-satellite equivalent power flux-density radiated by non-GSO FSS Systems
ITU-R S.1431-0 Methods to enhance sharing between non-GSO FSS systems (except MSS feeder links) in the frequency bands between 10-30 GHz
ITU-R S.521-4 Hypothetical reference digital paths for systems using digital transmission in the fixed-satellite service
ITU-R S.733-2 Determination of the G/T ratio for Earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service