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ITU-T M.3108.2 TMN management services for dedicated and reconfigurable circuits network : Information model for connection management of preprovisioned service link connections to form a reconfigurable leased service
ITU-T M.1340 Performance objectives, allocations and limits for international PDH leased circuits and supporting data transmission links and systems
ITU-T M.3208.3 TMN management services for dedicated and reconfigurable circuits network : Virtual private network service
ITU-T M.3208.1 Corrigendum 1 M.3208.1 (1997) Corrigendum 1
ITU-T M.2130 Operational procedures for the maintenance of the transport network
ITU-T O.191 Equipment to measure the cell transfer performance of ATM connections
ITU-T V.110 Support by an ISDN of data terminal equipments with V-series type interfaces
ITU-T T.137 Virtual meeting room management for multimedia conferencing audio-visual control