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BS ISO/IEC 13871:1995 Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Private telecommunications networks. Digital channel aggregation
BS ISO 15010:1998 Disposable hanging devices for transfusion and infusion bottles. Requirements and test methods
BS ISO 6344-1:1998 Coated abrasives. Grain size analysis - Grain size distribution test
BS ISO 6813:1998 Road vehicles. Collision classification. Terminology
BS ISO/IEC 8348:1996 Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Network service definition
BS ISO 5348:1998 Mechanical vibration and shock. Mechanical mounting of accelerometers
BS ISO/IEC 10036:1996 Information technology. Font information interchange. Procedures for registration of font-related identifiers partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
BS ISO 10972-1:1998 Cranes. Requirements for mechanisms - General
BS ISO 11800:1998 Information and documentation. Requirements for binding materials and methods used in the manufacture of books
BS ISO 8543:1998 Textile floor coverings. Methods for determination of mass
BS ISO 13592:1998 (R2004) Small craft. Backfire flame control for petrol engines partTitleEN sectionTitleEN