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BS ISO 69:1998 Cinematography. 16 mm motion-picture magnetic film. Cutting and perforating dimensions
BS ISO 9982:1998 Belt drives. Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial applications. PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profiles. Dimensions
BS ISO 14681:1998 Diesel engines. Fuel injection pump testing. Calibrating fuel injectors
BS ISO 487:1998 Steel roller chains, types S and C, attachments and sprockets
BS ISO/IEC 8859-4:1998 Information technology. 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Latin alphabet No. 4
BS ISO 14848:1998 Plastics. Unsaturated-polyester resins. Determination of reactivity at 130$0DC
BS ISO 10791-4:1998 Test conditions for machining centres - Accuracy and repeatability of positioning of linear and rotary axes
BS ISO 7278-3:1998 Liquid hydrocarbons. Dynamic measurement. Proving systems for volumetric meters - Pulse interpolation techniques
BS ISO 6344-2:1998 Coated abrasives. Grain size analysis - Determination of grain size distribution of macrogrits P12 to P220
BS ISO 15166-1:1998 Adhesives. Methods of preparing bulk specimens - Two-part systems
BS ISO/IEC 8882-1:1996 Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. X.25-DTE conformance testing partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
BS ISO/IEC 10022:1996 Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Physical service definition