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The 2017 edition of NFPA 225 does more to help ensure installers are able to do their jobs, so smoke alarms, CO detectors, and fire sprinkler systems are ready to protect people in manufactured homes from potentially deadly hazards.The 2017 edition of
NFPA 225: Model Manufactured Home Installation Standard presents the latest requirements for safe, efficient, and effective installation of manufactured homes.
Provisions cover:Preparation of sites intended for manufactured homesFoundations on which the manufactured homes are installedProcedures for on-site installationConnection to appliances and onsite utilitiesAnchoring of the home for protection against the forces of seismic events, floods, and wind
New for the 2017 edition:The 2013 Standard provided guidance on smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors but was silent on how fire sprinkler systems should be dealt with during the installation process. For the 2017 edition, language has been added to ensure that the installer is provided with the necessary information from the manufacturer to accomplish the connection of the fire sprinkler system and system inspection so the system performs as the codes and standards intend.
Other changes in this edition:Revisions in Section correlate with ASCE 24-14,
Flood Resistant Design and Construction, and clarify which items refer to non-engineered flood openings, revising the referenced section number for correlation, and to clarify which items refer to engineered flood openings. References have been updated throughout. From site preparation through final inspection, the 2017 edition of
NFPA 225 gives engineers, manufacturers, and AHJs the requirements they need to comply with the safety and health requirements for the installation of manufactured homes.