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API PUBL 4634:1995

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API PUBL 4634:1995

Index and Abstracts of API Health-Related Research 13th Edition 1959-1994

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The Health and Environmental Sciences Department (HESD) of the American Petroleum Institute (API) sponsors petroleum health-related research in the areas of industrial hygiene and exposure assessment, toxicology, environmental biology, product safety, and community and occupational health. The reports and publications indexed and abstracted here are a compilation of research investigations/reviews conducted for API from 1959 through the end of 1994. For additional information including articles published in the peer-reviewed literature, on-line searching is recommended. The Subject Index The subject index of the 13th edition of Index and Abstracts of API Health-Related Research has been simplified to include a comprehensive list of key terms alphabetically arranged by 'petroleum product of interest,' 'test conducted' or by 'authors/organizations.' The main headings in the subject index appear in bold. Subheadings appear in italics. Each study in the subject index is identified by its full title followed by a unique number (xx-xxxxx) in parentheses, which also identifies the study's abstract. Numbers are arranged numerically in the Abstracts Section. The Abstracts Prepared by the staff of API's Central Abstracting & Information Service, abstracts include a 'source' field providing the user with one of four descriptors on report availability. These include: -- API HESD Information Specialist; -- Not Available from API; -- API Library; -- API Publications. API HESD Information Specialist Copies of research or departmental reports indicated as API Med Res. Publ or API Health Environ. Sci. Dep. Rep. can be obtained by contacting the information specialist at (202)-682-8319 or fax (202)-682-8270). Not Available from API To access a report or document not published by API, users must contact the publisher directly or check at a university library. A full citation including the name of the publisher and year of publication is provided. API Library API publications that are no longer in print are archived in the API Library and can be ordered by calling (202)-682-8042 or fax (202)-682-8232. Library staff provide price information. API Publications Please call the API Publications Order Desk at (202)-682-8375 or fax (202)-962-4776 to order publications. API members get 20% discount. Discounts for bulk orders are available. Users of this edition of Index and Abstracts should note that it does not include API-sponsored environmental research such as facility emissions, air quality modeling, soil and groundwater remediation etc. Descriptions of these studies can be found in the current API publications, programs and services catalog. To obtain a copy, call (202) 682-8375.

Author API
Editor API
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 75.020 : Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas
11.020.01 : Quality and environmental management in health care
Number of pages 155
Year 1990
Document history
Country USA
Keyword API 4634;4634