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AWS C2.20/C2.20M:2016

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AWS C2.20/C2.20M:2016

Specification for thermal spraying zinc anodes on steel reinforced concrete

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This AWS standard is a specification for thermal spraying zinc anodes on steel reinforced concrete. This standard is formatted as an industrial process instruction. The scope includes: job description, safety, pass/fail job reference standards, feedstock materials, equipment, a step-by-step process instruction for surface preparation, thermal spraying, and quality control. There are five annexes, including job control record and portable adhesion testing.
Scope : 1.1 Scope. This standard covers the application of zinc thermal spray coatings to steel reinforced concrete using arc and flame spray equipment. The application of the zinc on steel reinforced concrete requires an electrical connection to the steel reinforcement. Although other metals can also be applied with these methods and equipment, at this time the standard only covers zinc and zinc alloys. This standard is formatted as an industrial process instruction: job description, safety, Pass/Fail Job Reference Standard, feedstock materials, equipment, a step-by-step process instruction for surface preparation, thermal spraying, quality control (QC), and a Job Control Record. This standard is based on the literature, equipment, process developments, and industrial practices known at the time of publication. This standard does not cover the design standards or recommended practices for cathodic protection (CP) systems. The design of a CP system for reinforced concrete structures, including the connection of the zinc coating to the steel reinforcement, should be undertaken by an experienced and qualified Corrosion Engineer. Table 1 summarizes inspection, test methods, and acceptance criteria that shall be employed. 1.2 Units of Measure. This standard makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI). The latter are shown within brackets ([ ]) or in appropriate columns in tables and figures. The measurements may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently. For the purposes of determining conformance with this specification, an observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting values in accordance with the rounding-off method given in ASTM E29, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. 1.3 Safety. Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond the scope of this standard; some safety and health information is provided in Annex B, but such issues are not fully addressed herein. Safety and health information is available from the following sources: American Welding Society: (1) ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes (2) AWS Safety and Health Fact Sheets (3) Other safety and health information on the AWS website Material or Equipment Manufacturers: (1) Safety Data Sheets supplied by materials manufacturers (2) Operating Manuals supplied by equipment manufacturers Applicable Regulatory Agencies (1) NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work. (2) U.S. Department of Labor Regulations, CFR-29, Part 1910.107, Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials. Work performed in accordance with this standard may involve the use of materials that have been deemed hazardous, and may involve operations or equipment that may cause injury or death. This standard does not purport to address all safety and health risks that may be encountered. The user of this standard should establish an appropriate safety program to address such risks as well as to meet applicable regulatory requirements. ANSI Z49.1 should be considered when developing the safety program.

Author AWS American Welding Society
Editor AWS
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 25.220.20 : Surface treatment
Number of pages 46
Cross references AWS C2.21
AWS C2.25/C2.25M
Year 2016
Country USA
Keyword AWS C2.20/C2.20M; Thermal Spraying; thermal spraying, zinc anodes, reinforced, concrete,