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AWS EG2.0:2017

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AWS EG2.0:2017

Guide for the training and qualification of welding personnel; entry level welder

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This guide contains information to assist education and training organizations in the development and administration of a modular, competency-based training that leads to the qualification of a trainee in accordance with the requirements of AWS QC10, Specification for Qualification and Certification of SENSE Level I-Entry Welders. It references its supplement, AWS EG2.0 Supplement, Supplement SENSE Level I-Entry Welder Training Performance Testing Procedures
Scope : EG2.0 establishes a skill standard by defining the recommended minimum welder training requirements for a Level Iâ??Entry Welder in accordance with AWS QC10, Specification for Qualification and Certification of SENSE Level Iâ??Entry Welders. This guide is intended to specify a credible path for training organizations to implement new welding programs or to enhance existing programs to administer Level Iâ??Entry Welder training. Use of this Guide is voluntary. Training organizations desiring to register a trainee as an AWS SENSE certified Level Iâ??Entry Welder, or to record completion of modules or units, shall consider these guidelines as the minimum specified under AWS QC10. 1.2 Objectives 1.2.1 Provide training organizations with an industrial awareness of the occupational description, conditions, task listing, and profile that encompasses the job classification of Level Iâ??Entry Welder. 1.2.2 Establish a national consensus guidelines, based on an industry-wide survey of skills needed in industry, detailing the minimum acceptable skill requirements for the training of a Level Iâ??Entry Welder. 1.2.3 Provide training organizations with a list of Key Indicators Objectives, and Modular Instructional Activities necessary to accomplish Level Iâ??Entry Welder training. 1.2.4 Provide training organizations with a national consensus guideline with which to compare their own curriculum, evaluate third party curricula, or develop a new curriculum that is aligned with this national consensus modular SENSE guideline. 1.2.5 Provide training organizations with AWS documents and standards to be used as a basis for evaluating or developing training materials. 1.2.6 Provide training organizations participating in SENSE with information related to the administration of Level Iâ??Entry Welder testing necessary to meet the requirements of AWS QC10. 1.3 Implementation 1.3.1 Curriculum Comparison. Each training organizationâ??s course of study should reflect the objectives and key indicators of this guide as outline in 3.2 Modular Competency Based Program Outline and detailed in 3.3 Learning Modules. 1.3.2 Teaching Sequence. The program sequence as outlined in 3.2 Recommended Modular Competency Based Program Outline and detailed in 3.3 Recommended Modular Guidelines for Level Iâ??Entry Welder Training is a suggested or recommended sequence. It is not mandatory to teach a course of study following the sequence of AWS QC10, Table 1 Level Iâ?? Entry Welder Program Structure. The teaching sequence for each training organizationâ??s course of study should be that which the instructor, the organization or the state educational authority specifies or has found to be most suited to the capabilities of the trainees and meets the needs of the industry. 1.3.3 Continuation of Trainees in Entry Welders Registration. AWS QC10: Section 11 the Registration of Entry Welders indicates that trainees who have a record of completed arc welding process competency(s) they have three (3) years to complete the program after the registration of their last completed arc welding process competency. 1.3.4 Budget. Adequate financial resources should be provided to maintain and enhance the welding program. Primary funding is for all necessary equipment (power sources, filler materials, gases, power equipment, hand tools, etc.). Additional monies should be available to provide the materials necessary for adequate welding instruction. Budget resources should also be available for staff and faculty technical and professional development.

Author AWS American Welding Society
Editor AWS
Document type Standard
Format Paper
ICS 25.160.01 : Welding, brazing and soldering in general
Number of pages 297
Cross references AWS A2.4
AWS A3.0M/A3.0
AWS A5.10/A5.10M
AWS A5.1
AWS A5.9/A5.9M
AWS A5.12M/A5.12:2009 (ISO 6848:2004 MOD)
AWS A5.18/A5.18M:2005
AWS A5.20
Weight(kg.) 0.6049
Year 2017
Country USA
Keyword AWS EG2.0; Qualification; Guide,Training, Qualification,Personnel