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DIN V VDE V 0530-23 VDE V 0530-23:2004-01

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DIN V VDE V 0530-23 VDE V 0530-23:2004-01

Rotating electrical machines - Part 23: Specification for the refurbishing of rotating electrical machines (IEC/TS 60034-23:2003)

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This Technical Specification covers the activities necessary to ensure the satisfactory rewinding and refurbishment of all types and sizes rotating electrical machines covered by IEC 60034, ncluding: determining cause of failure, where necessary; determining the extent of refurbishment, as applicable; defining revised performance, operating and ambient conditions, if required; reviewing the original design, and undertaking redesign, if required; proving the quality and performance of the refurbished machine.

Author VDE
Editor VDE
Document type Standard
Format Paper
Cancellation date
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ICS 29.160.01 : Rotating machinery in general
Number of pages 24
Replace DIN IEC 2/1081/CD (2000-03)
Cross references IEC/TS 60034-23 (2003-02), IDT
Weight(kg.) 0.1408
Year 2004
Document history DIN V VDE V 0530-23 (2004-01)
Country Germany
Keyword DIN V VDE V 0530;DIN VDE V 0530;DIN VDE V 0530-23;0530