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DIN EN 62226-2-1 VDE 0848-226-2-1:2005-09

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DIN EN 62226-2-1 VDE 0848-226-2-1:2005-09

Exposure to electric or magnetic fields in the low and intermediate frequency range - Methods for calculating the current density and internal electric field induced in the human body - Part 2-1: Exposure to magnetic fields - 2D models (IEC 62226-2-1:2004); German version EN 62226-2-1:2005

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This standard contains the German version of the European Standard EN 62226-2-1:2005 and is identical with the International standard IEC 62226-2-1:2004. It describes 2D models that can be applied for the assessment of the compliance with basic restrictions, that are given for the safety of persons in low and intermediate frequency electromagnetic fields. The basic restrictions are based on limits for the induced current density and the induced internal electric fieldstrength. The effect of the field in complex exposure ssituations, e. g. non-uniform magnetic fields or disturbed electrical fields, is described via coupling factors K for non-uniform magnetic fields, that are evaluated on the basis of different simple field sources and that are given in relevant annexes of this standard.

Author VDE
Editor VDE
Document type Standard
Format Paper
Cancellation date
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ICS 17.240 : Radiation measurements
Number of pages 70
Replace DIN EN 62226-2-1 (2004-12)
Cross references EN 62226-2-1 (2005-01), IDT
Weight(kg.) 0.2190
Year 2005
Document history DIN EN 62226-2-1 (2005-09)
Country Germany
Keyword DIN EN 62226;DIN EN 62226-2;EN 62226;EN 62226-2;EN 62226-2-1;62226