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DIN EN 60118-13 VDE 0750-11:2013-07

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DIN EN 60118-13 VDE 0750-11:2013-07

Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) (IEC 29/805/CDV:2013); German version FprEN 60118-13:2013

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This part of IEC 60118 in principle covers relevant EMC phenomena for hearing aids. Hearing aid immunity to high frequency fields originating from digital wireless devices such as mobile phones was originally identified as the most relevant EMC phenomena impacting hearing aids. Since the inclusion of RF generating components within the hearing aids such as digital signal processors or wireless transceivers additional EMC compliance is now included. The EMC requirements now included are radiated emissions and immunity to electrostatic discharge, power frequency magnetic fields, and radiated RF electromagnetic fields. Requirements included as not applicable are those associated with connected power and signal lines.

Author VDE
Editor VDE
Document type Draft
Format Paper
expiration_de_validite 2013-09-29
ICS 11.180.15 : Aids for deaf and hearing impaired people
33.100.20 : Immunity
Number of pages 51
Cross references FprEN 60118-13 (2013-05), IDT
Weight(kg.) 0.1867
Year 2013
Document history
Country Germany
Keyword DIN EN 60118;EN 60118;EN 60118-13;60118