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DIN EN 62509 VDE 0126-15:2012-03

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DIN EN 62509 VDE 0126-15:2012-03

Battery charge controllers for photovoltaic systems - Performance and functioning (IEC 62509:2010); German version EN 62509:2011

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This International Standard establishes minimum requirements for the functioning and performance of battery charge controllers (BCC) used with lead acid batteries in terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) systems. The main aims are to ensure BCC reliability and to maximise the life of the battery. This standard shall be used in conjunction with IEC 62093, which describes test and requirements for intended installation application.

Author VDE
Editor VDE
Document type Standard
Format Paper
ICS 27.160 : Solar energy engineering
Number of pages 31
Replace DIN IEC 82/445/NP (2007-08)
Cross references EN 62509 (2011-09), IDT
Weight(kg.) 0.1527
Year 2012
Document history DIN EN 62509 (2012-03)
Country Germany
Keyword EN 62509;62509