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ITU-T X.731 AMD 1 Corrigendum 1

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ITU-T X.731 AMD 1 Corrigendum 1

X.731 (1992) Am1Technical Cor. 1

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Current X.700-Series Recommendations International Standards mandate the use of CMIP and thus preclude the possibility of using other communications protocols for the transfer of systems management messages between Operations Systems (OS). This constrains industry from adoption of other applicable communications solutions whilst still remaining compliant to OSI systems management functions. This Technical corrigendum makes provision for other communications protocols to be used although it does not specify what these are. It further corrects an ambiguity that can cause an Operations Systems (OS) implementor to develop software that will not work correctly with another vendor's OS product for a small number of message types. This Technical corrigendum involves changes on this Recommendation International Standard and other Recommendations International Standards as follows: CCITT Rec. X.701 ISO/IEC 10040, CCITT Rec. X.730 ISO/IEC 10164-1 to CCITT Rec. X.736 ISO/IEC 10164-7, CCITT Rec. X.740 ISO/IEC 10164-8 and ITU-T Rec. X.741 ISO/IEC 10164-9.

Author ITU
Editor ITU
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 35.100.70 : Application layer
Number of pages 1
Modify ITU-T X.731 AMD 1 (1995-04)
Year 1990
Document history
Country International
Keyword CCITT X.731;CCITT X.731 AMD 1 Corrigendum 1;ITU-T X.731;ITU-T 731;731;ITU-T X.731 (1992) AMD 1 Corrigendum 1