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ISBN 9780367777203 Published April...
JIS C 5270:2011 (R2016) Capacitors...
AS 3772:2020 [ Current ] Pre-engineered fire protection systems for cooking equipment standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 61109:2020 [ Current ] Insulators for overhead lines - Composite suspension and tension insulators for a.c. systems with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria (IEC 61109:2008, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 3959:2018 Amd 2:2020 [ Current ] Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas Amendment by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS EN 16579:2020 [ Current ] Playing field equipment - Portable and permanent socketed goals - Functional, safety requirements and test methods standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 1484.13.4:2020 [ Current ] Recommended practice for learning technology - IMS content packaging information model (CP) version 1.2 - Mapping to the conceptual model for resource aggregation standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS ISO/IEC 17788:2020 [ Current ] Information technology - Cloud computing - Overview and vocabulary standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 4587:2020 [ Current ] Water mist fire protection systems - System design, installation, and commissioning standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 3825:2020 [ Current ] Procedures and devices for the removal, containment and disposal of scalpel blades from scalpel handles standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 1484.13.1:2020 [ Current ] Standard for learning technology - Conceptual model for resource aggregation for learning, education, and training standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 1484.13.5:2020 [ Current ] Recommended practice for learning technology - IETF RFC 4287 - Atom syndication format - Mapping to the conceptual model for resource aggregation standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 1484.13.3:2020 [ Current ] Recommended practice for learning technology - ISO 21000-2:2005 Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21), Part 2: Digital Item Declaration mapping to the conceptual model for resource aggregation standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020
AS 1484.13.6:2020 [ Current ] Recommended practice for learning technology - Open archives initiative object reuse and exchange abstract model (OAI-ORE) - Mapping to the conceptual model for resource aggregation standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2020