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ASME Y14.31-2008 Dimensioning and Tolerancing standard by ASME International, 2009
Air Engines:The History, Science, and Reality of the Perfect Engine Book by ASME International, 2009 Allan J. ORgan and Theodor Finkelstein
Wind Turbine Technology: Fundamental Concepts in Wind Turbine Engineering, Second Edition Book by ASME International, 2009 D.A. Spera, ed.
Inaugural US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference - Renewable Energy 2009 (UECTC) Book by ASME International, 2009 Y. Tao and C. Ma, editors
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, Volume 19, Proceedings of the ANNIE 2009 Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Book by ASME International, 01/01/2009 Cihan H. Dagli, et al.
Design and Analysis of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Components in the Creep Range Book by ASME International, 2009 By Maan H. Jawad and Robert I Jetter
ASME B31.3-2008 Process Piping standard by ASME International, 12/31/2008
Quick Guide to API 570 - Certified Pipework Inspector Syllabus Training Material by ASME International, 2009
ASME International Steam Tables for Industrial Use, Second Edition Book by ASME International, 01/01/2009
ASME PTC 11-2008 (R2018) Fans: Performance Test Codes standard by ASME International, 12/08/2008
ASME A17.1a-2008 Addenda A to Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators Amendment by ASME International, 12/05/2008
ASME Y14.2-2008 Line Conventions and Lettering standard by ASME International, 12/03/2008