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ASME FFS-2-2009 Fitness-For-Service Example Problem Manual Handbook / Manual / Guide by ASME International, 08/11/2009
ASME A112.18.6-2009 (R2014) Flexible Water Connectors standard by ASME International, 07/01/2009
ASME A112.18.8-2009 (R2014) In-Line Sanitary Waste Valves for Plumbing Drainage Systems standard by ASME International, 07/17/2009
ASME B16.5-2009 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard standard by ASME International, 06/30/2009
ASME B31.1b-2009 Addenda B to Power Piping Amendment by ASME International, 08/07/2009
ASME PTB-2-2009 Guide to Life Cycle Management of Pressure Equipment Integrity standard by ASME International, 06/30/2009
ASME B94.9-2008 (R2018) Taps: Ground Thread With Cut Thread Appendix (Inch and Metric Sizes) standard by ASME International, 06/30/2009
ASME PTB-1-2009 ASME Section VIII Division 2 Criteria and Commentary standard by ASME International, 06/10/2009
ASME STP-NU-018 Creep-Fatigue Data and Existing Evaluation Procedures for Grade 91 and Hastelloy XR standard by ASME International, 05/21/2009
ASME B30.27-2009 Material Placement Systems - Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings standard by ASME International, 05/15/2009
ASME A90.1-2009 Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts standard by ASME International, 04/30/2009
ASME CSD-1-2009 Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers standard by ASME International, 05/08/2009