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ITU-T G.952 Digital line systems based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy on symmetric pair cables
ITU-T R.37 Report on voice-frequency telegraph channels for use above 50 bauds; Standardization of FMVFT systems for a modulation rate of 100 bauds
ITU-T U.2 Standardization of dials and dial pulse generators for the international telex service
ITU-T N.23 Maintenance measurements to be made on international sound-programme circuits
ITU-T G.735 Characteristics of primary PCM multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s and offering synchronous digital access at 384 kbit/s and/or 64 kbit/s
ITU-T O.111 Frequency shift measuring equipment for use on carrier channels
ITU-T R.81 Maximum acceptable limit for the duration of interruption of telegraph channels arising from failure of the normal power supplies
ITU-T L.1 Construction, installation and protection of telecommunication cables in public networks
ITU-T R.43 Simultaneous communication by telephone and telegraph on a telephone-type circuit
ITU-T U.8 Hypothetical reference connections for telex and gentex networks