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ITU-T N.13 Measurements to be made by the broadcasting organizations during the preparatory period
ITU-T O.61 Simple equipment to measure interruptions on telephone-type circuits
ITU-T G.724 Characteristics of a 48-channel low bit rate encoding primary multiplex operating at 1544 kbit/s
ITU-T I.231.5 Circuit-mode bearer service categories : Circuit-mode 2 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted, 8 kHz structured bearer service
ITU-T R.75bis Maintenance measurements of character error rate on international sections of international telegraph circuits
ITU-T G.822 Controlled slip rate objectives on an international digital connection
ITU-T R.36 Report on voice-frequency telegraph channels for use above 50 bauds; Coexistence of 50-baud/120-Hz channels, 100-baud/240-Hz channels, 200-baud/360-Hz or 480-Hz channels on the same voice-frequency telegraph system
ITU-T S Supplement 1 Minimal specifications for the bilingual (arabic/latin) teleprinter
ITU-T N.21 Limits and procedures for the lining-up of a sound-programme circuit