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ITU-T F.80 Basic requirements for interworking relations between the international telex service and other services
ITU-T Q.83.1 Stage 2 description for call completion supplementary services : Call waiting (CW)
ITU-T Q.81.3 Stage 2 description for number identification supplementary services : Calling line identification presentation (CLIP) and calling line identification restriction (CLIR)
ITU-T Q.81.5 Stage 2 description for number identification supplementary services : Connected line identification, presentation and restriction (COLP) and (COLR)
ITU-T E.173 Routing plan for interconnection between public land mobile networks and fixed terminal networks
ITU-T E.415 International network management; guidance for common channel signalling system No. 7
ITU-T D.1 General principles for the lease of international (continental and intercontinental) private telecommunication circuits and networks
ITU-T D.10 General tariff principles for international public data communication services
ITU-T D.60 Guiding principles to govern the apportionment of accounting rates in intercontinental telex relations
ITU-T D.79 Charging and accounting principles for the international videotex service