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ITU-T X.623 Information technology - Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode Network service: Provision of the underlying service by a subnetwork that provides the OSI Data Link service
ITU-T X.863 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma
ITU-T X.880 Information technology - Remote Operations: Concepts, model and notation
ITU-T X.881 Information technology - Remote Operations: OSI realizations - Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE) service definition
ITU-T X.882 Information technology - Remote Operations: OSI realizations - Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE) protocol specification
ITU-T X.803 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Upper layers security model
ITU-R SM.1054-0 Monitoring of radio emissions from spacecraft at monitoring stations
ITU-T Q.2130 B-ISDN signalling ATM adaptation layer - Service specific coordination function for support of signalling at the user-network interface (SSCF at UNI)
ITU-T Q.2110 B-ISDN ATM adaptation layer - Service specific connection oriented protocol (SSCOP)
ITU-R BT.1125-0 Basic objectives for the planning and implementation of digital terrestrial television broadcasting systems