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ITU-T X.735 AMD 1 Corrigendum 1 X.735 (1992) Am1Technical Cor. 1
ITU-T X.736 AMD 1 Corrigendum 1 X.736 (1992) Amd.1Technical Cor. 1
ITU-T X.237 AMD 1 Incorporation of extensibility markers and authentication parameters
ITU-T X.217 AMD 1 Support of authentication mechanisms for the connectionless mode
ITU-T X.791 Profile for trouble management function for ITU-T applications
ITU-T X.48 Procedures for the provision of a basic multicast service for data terminal equipments (DTEs) using Recommendation X.25
ITU-T X.45 Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and connected to public data networks, designed for efficiency at higher speeds
ITU-T X.467 Information technology - Message Handling Systems (MHS) Management: Message Transfer Agent management