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ITU-T E.136 Specification of a tactile identifier for use with telecommunication cards
ITU-R S.1250-0 Network management architecture for digital satellite systems forming part of SDH transport networks in the fixed-satellite service
ITU-R S.1253-0 Technical options to facilitate coordination of fixed-satellite service networks in certain orbital arc segments and frequency bands
ITU-R S.1254-0 Best practices to facilitate the coordination process of fixed-satellite service satellite networks
ITU-R S.1255-0 Use of adaptive uplink power control to mitigate codirectional interference between geostationary satellite orbit/fixed-satellite service (GSO/FSS) networks and feeder links of non-geostationary satellite orbit/mobile satellite service (non-GSO/MSS) networks and between GSO/FSS networks and non-GSO/FSS networks
ITU-R S.1256-0 Methodology for determining the maximum aggregate power flux-density at the geostationary-satellite orbit in the band 6 700-7 075 MHz from feeder links of non-geostationary satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service in the space-to-Earth direction
ITU-R S.483-3 Maximum permissible level of interference in a television channel of a geostationary-satellite network in the fixed-satellite service employing frequency modulation, caused by other networks of this service
ITU-R S.736-3 Estimation of polarization discrimination in calculations of interference between geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service
ITU-R P.1148-1 Standardized procedure for comparing predicted and observed HF sky-wave signal intensities and the presentation of such comparisons
ITU-R F.1243-0 Radio-frequency channel arrangements for digital radio systems operating in the range 2 290-2 670 MHz
ITU-R F.1248-0 Limiting interference to satellites in the space science services from the emissions of trans-horizon radio-relay systems in the bands 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz