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ITU-R BT.1304-0 Checksum for error detection and status information in interfaces conforming with Recommendations ITU-R BT.656 and ITU-R BT.799
ITU-R BO.1295-0 Reference transmit Earth station antenna off-axis e.i.r.p. patterns for planning purposes to be used in the revision of the Appendix 30A (Orb-88) Plans of the Radio Regulations at 14 GHz and 17 GHz in Regions 1 and 3
ITU-R BO.1297-0 Protection ratios to be used for planning purposes in the revision of the Appendices 30 (Orb-85) and 30A (Orb-88) Plans of the Radio Regulations in Regions 1 and 3
ITU-R BS.1286-0 Methods for the subjective assessment of audio systems with accompanying picture
ITU-R TF.1010-1 Relativistic effects in a coordinate time system in the vicinity of the Earth
ITU-R TF.1011-1 Systems, techniques and services for time and frequency transfer
ITU-R TF.457-2 Use of the modified Julian date by the standard-frequency and time-signal services
ITU-T X.703 Information technology - Open Distributed Management Architecture
ITU-T X.753 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems management: Command Sequencer for Systems Management
ITU-T Q.831 Fault and performance management of V5 interface environments and associated customer profiles