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ITU-T T.415 Corrigendum 1 Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Open document interchange format; Technical Corrigendum 1
ITU-T T.415 Corrigendum 2 Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Open document interchange format; Technical Corrigendum 2
ITU-T T.416 Corrigendum 1 Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Character content architectures; Technical Corrigendum 1
ITU-T X.710 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Common Management Information service
ITU-T X.711 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Common Management Information Protocol: Specification
ITU-T T.417 Corrigendum 1 Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: Raster graphics content architectures; Technical Corrigendum 1
ITU-R RS.1282-0 Feasibility of sharing between wind profiler radars and active spaceborne sensors in the vicinity of 1260 MHz
ITU-R SM.1271-0 Efficient spectrum utilization using probabilistic methods