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ITU-T D.211 International accounting for the use of the signal transfer point and/or signalling point for relay in Signalling System No. 7
ITU-T P.831 Subjective performance evaluation of network echo cancellers
ITU-T P.911 Subjective audiovisual quality assessment methods for multimedia applications
ITU-T P.931 Multimedia communications delay, synchronization and frame rate measurement
ITU-R BR.1385-0 Exchange of sound programmes on recordable compact discs (CD-R)
ITU-R BS.1194-2 System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
ITU-T E.733 Methods for dimensioning resources in Signalling System No. 7 networks
ITU-R SM.326-7 Determination and measurement of the power of amplitude-modulated radio transmitters
ITU-T F.853 Supplementary services in the Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT) environment
ITU-T J Supplement 2 Guidelines for the implementation of annex A of Recommendation J.112, 'Transmission systems for interactive cable television services' - Example of digital video broadcasting (DVB) interaction channel for cable television distribution