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ISO/IEC/TR 19583-1 (2019-07) ISO/IEC TR 19583-1:2019 Information technology - Concepts and usage of metadata - Part 1: Metadata concepts
ISO/IEC 23092-1 (2019-07) ISO/IEC 23092-1:2019 Information technology - Genomic information representation - Part 1: Transport and storage of genomic information
ISO/IEC 23001-13 (2019-07) ISO/IEC 23001-13:2019 Information technology - MPEG systems technologies - Part 13: Media orchestration
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42020 (2019-07) ISO/IEC/IEEE 42020:2019 Software, systems and enterprise - Architecture processes
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42030 (2019-07) ISO/IEC/IEEE 42030:2019 Software, systems and enterprise - Architecture evaluation framework
ISO/IEC/IEEE 21839 (2019-07) ISO/IEC/IEEE 21839:2019 Systems and software engineering - System of systems (SoS) considerations in life cycle stages of a system
ISO/IEC/IEEE 21841 (2019-07) ISO/IEC/IEEE 21841:2019 Systems and software engineering - Taxonomy of systems of systems
ISO/IEC/TR 29106 AMD 2 (2019-07) ISO/IEC TR 29106:2007/AMD2:2019 Amendment 2 - Information technology - Generic cabling - Introduction to the MICE environmental classification
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289 (2019-07) ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2019 Systems and software engineering - Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)
ISO/IEC/TR 29106 Edition 1.2 (2019-07) ISO/IEC TR 29106:2007+AMD1:2012+AMD2:2019 consolidated version Information technology - Generic cabling - Introduction to the MICE environmental classification
ISO/IEC/TR 11801-9907 (2019-07) ISO/IEC TR 11801-9907:2019 Information technology - Generic cabling for customer premises - Part 9907: Specifications for direct attach cabling
ISO/IEC/TR 20000-7 (2019-07) ISO/IEC TR 20000-7:2019 Information technology - Service management - Part 7: Guidance on the integration and correlation of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013