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Non-Destructive Testing And Evaluation For Manufacturing And Construction.By H. Dos Reis


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Exploring advances and strengthening communications among researchers in manufacturing and construction technologies, this book covers nondestructive testing and evaluation methods. Drawing on a wide range of experts, it provides insights from every sector of the field. Based on a three-day conference titled "Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation for Manufacturing and Construction" held on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the papers presented in the book foster development of new and innovative methods.

Table of Contents

Advanced NDE Technologies for Manufacturing and Construction Applications, R.E. Green, Jr.

Nondestructive Evaluation of Complex Geometry Advances Material Components, S.W. Bartlett and J.C. Duke, Jr.
New Acousto-Ultrasonic Techniques Applied to Aerospace Materials, H.E. Kautz
Evolution of the Wave Envelope in Composite Laminates in Acousto-Ultrasonic Technique, S.M. Moon, H.T. Hahn, and K.L. Jerina
Static and Fatigue Fracture Monitoring in Unidirectional Composites by Acoustic Emission, L. Lorenzo and H.T. Hahn
Acoustic Emission Testing of Composite Power Transmission Components, D.W. Okey and J.M. Rodgers
Quantitative Characterization of Impact Damage in Composite Materials - A Comparison between Computerized Vibrothermography and X-Ray Tomography, P. Poter, F. Lesbre, and C. Bathias
Acoustic Emission Phenomena in Polymeric Media, C.P. Hsiao, R.A. Kline, and D.M. Egle

Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation for Wood Products, F.C. Beall
Nondestructive Testing of Wood Products and Structures: State-of-the-Art and Research Needs, R.H. Falk, M. Patton-Mallory, and K.A. McDonald
Qualification of Particleboards on the Mill Line, A.T. Green
Determining Vertical Density Profiles in Wood Composites Using Acoustic Emission, R.L. Lemaster and D.A. Dornfeld
Current AE/AU Research in Solid Wood and Wood-Based Composites at the University of California Forest Products Laboratory, S.L. Quarles and R.L. Lemaster
Acoustic Emission Evaluation for Timber Including Knots, K. Sato and M. Fushitani
Nondestructive Evaluation/Characterization of Adhesive Bonded Connections in Wood Structures, H.L.M. dos Reis, F.C. Beall, J.V. Carnahan, M.J. Chica, K.A. Miller, and V.M. Klick

Impact-Echo: A New Method for Inspecting Construction Materials, N.J. Carino and M. Sansalone
High Resolution Impulse Radar Imaging-Civil Engineering Applications, P.A. Okamoto and A.T. Ciolko
Evaluation of In-Place Strength of Concrete by the Break-Off Method, T.R. Naik, Z. Salameh, and A. Hassaballah
Acoustic Emission from Plain Concrete and Concrete with Polyprolene Fiber Reinforcement, J.D. Leaird and M.A. Taylor
Seismic, Sonic, and Vibration Methods for Quality Assurance and Forensic Investigation of Geotechnical, Pavement, and Structural Systems, L.D. Olson abd C.C. Wright
Field Proven Nondestructive Testing Methods for Evaluating Damage and Repair of Concrete, R.A. Muenow
Examination of Concrete Structures Using Compton Scattering, T. Whynot and E.M.A. Hussein
Recent Geotechnical Applications of the Acoustic Emission/Microseismic Technique, H.R. Hardy, Jr.

Neutron Radiography Techniques and Applications, C.C. McClellan
A Neutron Radiography System for Field Use, J.J. Antal and A.S. Marotta
Review of Contemporary Neutron Radiography in Europe and in the USA, E. Heiburg
Fast Neutron Radiography Testing for Components of Launch Vehicles by a Baby-Cyclotron, Y. Ikeda, K. Ohkubo, G. Matsumoto, T. Nakamura, Y. Nozaki, S. Wakasa, Y. Toda, and T. Kato
Improvement of Reconstructed Image Quality of Neutron Computed Tomography, Y. Ikeda, M. Koike, S. Honda, Y. Tomatsu, and G. Matsumoto

EMAT Examination for Cracks in Railroad Wheel Treads, R.E. Schramm, P.J. Shull, A.V. Clark, Jr., and D.V. Mitrakovic
Predictions of Magnetostatic Leekage Fields Around P.W.S. Ropes by 3-D Dynamic Relaxation Method, K. Hanasaski, K. Tsukada, and Y. Fujinaka

Stress Management Via the Acoustoelastic Effect and Water-Coupled Ultrasonic Waves, A.M. Koshti and D.M. Egle
Probing a Convex Interface with an Ultrasonic Beam, H.C. Choi and J.G. Harris
Ultrasonic Diffuse Field Measurements of Grain Size, R.L. Weaver

Application of Holographic Interferometry as a NDT Method in Composite Plates, N. Rubayi, S.H. Liew, And M.A. Wright
Holographic Nondestructive Testing, J. Gryzagoridis
An Inverse Approach to Deformation Problems for the Nondestructive Evaluation of Residual Stresses, A. Maniatty and N. Zabaras
Verification of Numerical Control Programs - Problems and Approaches, C.H. Chang
An Automatic Position Detector for Handheld NDE Probes, R.C. Sevedra, P.H. Li, E.C. Johnson, and G.F. Hawkins
Advanced Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Engineering Materials, G. Kordas
Fan and Ventilation Equipment Testing, K. Helmink, L.L.Christianson, B. Hughes, G.L. Riskowski, and R. Korthals
Nondestructive Evaluation of Bond Strength for Explosively Welded Joints, R.C. Gupta


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