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Concurrent Engineering, Volume 1: Enhanced Interoperable SystemsProceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurr


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This book contributes for the advances in the interoperability research area, including 154 papers, from a group of more than 1000 expressions of interest submitted, under the theme "Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications – The Vision for the Future Generation".

Table of Contents

Analysis on 10 years of ISPE/CEconf community Intelligent applications and business intelligence 1. Application of data mining and intelligent agent technologies to concurrent engineering 2. A generic agent message repository 3. Embedding data-driven decision strategies on software agents: The case of a multi-agent system for monitoring air-quality indexes 4. Open source supply chains 5. Fuzzy multiple-level sequential patterns discovery from customer transaction database 6. Taboo search as an intelligent agent for bid evaluation 7. A multi-agent system-based ETL approach for complex data 8. Temporal aspects of data warehousing 9. Towards semantic temporal support in data integration 10. Time aspects in SAP business information warehouse 11. Clustering of IT application systems for designing a data warehouse Agents and multi-agent systems 12. Communication and interaction protocols for multi-agent systems in a framework based on C# and the common language infrastructure 13. A multi-agent system for improving result ranking service of web search engines 14. Combined parallel and agent-based methods in distributed logistics networks 15. Distributed event dissemination for ubiquitous agents 16. An agent-based approach to knowledge management in distributed design 17. Dialogue in teamwork 18. Learning preferences to provide advice 19. Learning as a methodology for partner selection in agent-based negotiation 20. Agent based web content categorization 21. Multi-agent based internet search 22. Negotiation algorithms for collaborative design settings 23. ANTS: An API for creating negotiation applications 24. Model for situated multi-agent systems with regional synchronization 25. The DEMIAN system approach to intrusion detection 26. Task-oriented engineering of coordinated software systems 27. Data integration in engineering 28. An application of the mediator approach to services over the web 29. An automated information integration technique using an ontoly-based database approach 30. Mapping of product dictionaries and corresponding catalog data 31. From hyperclasses to IS components 32. Context-explication in conceptual ontologies: The PLIB approach 33. Concepts and benefits of the German ISO 13584 compliant online dictionary 34. Classification, taxonomy, ontology, what do we mean with it? 35. PLIB ontology for B2B electronic commerce 36. Modelling product ontology with CQL 37. On the consistency of cardinality constraints in UML modelling 38. Data integrity for concurrent engineering transactions 39. Collaborative product modelling in heterogeneous environments: An approach based on XML schema 40. Reducing parts diversity in product design: A data centered approach E-business standards 41. CEN/ISSS Workshop eCAT – A step towards multilingual electronic product catalogues 42. Roadmap for e-commerce standardization in Korea 43. Standards for the next-generation web: Architectural considerations from a standardization perspective 44. Adoption of B2B standards 45. Standards for software component markets 46. Towards a standardization process for component based architectures 47. – A web service for the conversion of XML standards 48. Standardising electronic marketplaces – What and how? 49. Modular application protocol for advances in interoperable manufacturing environments in SMEs 50. Practices and standards in electronic negotiations 51. Domain specific standardization for collaborative business applications 52. Development of customer-oriented IOS: Initiating e-collaboration projects 53. Cross enterprise collaboration in the banking industry using web services and BPEL 54. Interorganizational collaboration in the automotive industry: A supplier portal 55. Hub to higher performance? – An internet hub for the Vos Logistics supply chain Enhanced interoperable systems 56. The openXchange framework for ebXML based business process integration 57. Performance measuring of e-business solution in manufacturing firm 58. Agent assisted concurrent process engineering system for design support 59. Pushing small service suppliers towards the SEEM 60. Towards a knowledge-based engineering system to support computational simulation activities at Renault Company 61. Collaborative engineering with OEM customers in the new age of information and communication technologies 62. Towards business quality of service in virtual organizations through service level agreements and ebXML 63. Disconnections handling in mobile internet 64. Enabling cooperative design tasks – A collaboration platform by using web services 65. Parametrics: State of the art and future issues 66. A reference model to support introducing product lifecycle management 67. A vision for e-collaboration between suppliers and OEM customers 68. Manufacturing interoperability 69. Configuration design of product families based on features 70. Overview of partial model query language 71. Web services for semantic model integration in concurrent engineering 72. OMG CAD Services V1.0 standard: An approach to CAD–CAx integration 73. Web services as a part of an adaptive information system framework for concurrent engineering 74. Virtual manufacturing environment and CE Enterprise architecture and continuous business solutions 75. From business goals to system goals using a verbs/goals ontology 76. From enterprise modelling to enterprise visual scenes 77. Multi-perspective multi-purpose enterprise knowledge modelling 78. The foundations of AKM technology 79. Use case driven Active Knowledge Models (AKM) in extended enterprises 80. Structured and non structured strategies 81. Metis® LEARN! – Leveraging Enterprise Architecture Repository iNvestments 82. Continuous business engineering: Towards aligned evolution of business strategy and software architecture 83. Supporting alignment of IT-infrastructure and IT-strategy: The balanced scorecard based IT strategy card approach 84. Development of corporate ontolgies for key account management in the Mexican Petroleum Institute 85. Knowledge sharing for continuous business engineering based on web intelligence 86. Model-driven work management services 87. Model driven operational solution 88. An advanced infrastructure for collaborative engineering in electronic design automation 89. Knowledge management repositories and services 90. The External intelligent infrastructure 91. Interaction elements: Utilizing knowledge to provide high quality information in a decision support system

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