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A Novel Method to Analyze Problems and Encourage Systemic Thinking
Real-Life Case Studies Illustrate the Application of the Systemic Yoyo Model in Diverse Areas
Written by the co-creator of the systemic yoyo model, Systemic Yoyos: Some Impacts of the Second Dimension shows how the yoyo model and its methodology can be employed to study many unsettled or extremely difficult problems in modern science and technology.
The first part of the book presents the theoretical foundation of the yoyo model and its empirical justifications. The author then shows how to use the model to address and resolve several problems in scientific areas, such as Newtonian physics, planetary motions, and the three-body problem, as well as economics and finance, such as Becker’s rotten kid theorem. The following part discusses the structure of human thoughts, infinity problems in the system of modern mathematics, and the fourth crisis of mathematics. The book concludes with a section on the concept of rolling currents, which can help predict weather changes, especially the arrival of disastrous weather conditions.
Focusing on complex, unresolved issues in modern science, this book thoroughly explains the novel yoyo model and how it can be used to better understand wage differentials, weather patterns, and more.
Introduction: The Yoyo Structure
Systems: A Historical Review
Whole Evolution of Systems: Where Systemic Yoyo Is from
Applications of the Systemic Yoyo Model
Organization of This Book
Blown-Ups, Eddy Motions, and Transitional Changes
The Concept of Blown-Ups
Mathematical Characteristics of Blown-Ups
Mapping Properties of Blown-Ups and Quantitative Infinity
Spinning Current: A Physical Characteristic of Blown-Ups
Equal Quantitative Effects
Various Properties of Blown-Ups
Conservation of Informational Infrastructure: Empirical Evidence
Physical Essence of Dirac’s Large Number Hypothesis
The Mystery of the Solar System’s Angular Momentum
Measurement Analysis of Movements of the Earth’s Atmosphere
The Law of Conservation of Informational Infrastructure
Impacts of the Conservation Law of Informational Infrastructure
Other Empirical Evidence for Yoyo Structures
Newton’s Laws of Motion
The Second Stir and Newton’s First Law of Motion
Eddy Effects and Newton’s Second Law
Colliding Eddies and Newton’s Acting and Reacting Forces
Equal Quantitative Effects and Figurative Analysis
Whole Evolutions of Converging and Diverging Fluid Motions
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
Newton’s Cannonball
Kepler’s Law of Harmonics and Its Generalization by Newton
Universal Gravitation
The Three-Body Problem
The Problem and Some Current Results
Three Visible Bodies and Existence of n-nary Star Systems
Three Bodies with at Least One Invisible
Open Questions
Stirring Energy and Its Conservation
Rotation and Stirring Energy
Conservation of Stirring Energy and Three-Level Energy Transformation
Energy Transformation Process and Nonconservative Evolution of Stirring Energy
Governance Law of Slaving Energy of Newtonian First Push
Interactions and Einstein’s Mass-Energy Formula
Solenoidal Fields and Problem on Universal Gravitation
Conservability of Stirring Energy and Physical Significance of Energy Transformation
Time and Its Dimensionality
The Problems to Be Addressed
The Physics of Physical Quantities
The Nonquantification of Events
What Time Is
Material and Quantitative Parametric Dimensions
Some Final Words
The Economic Yoyo
Whole Evolution Analysis of Demand and Supply
The Yoyo Evolution of an Economic Cycle
The Happy Family
Becker’s Rotten Kid Theorem
Two Other Mysteries of the Family
Never-Perfect Value Systems and Parasites
Bergstrom’s Rotten Kid Theorem and the Samaritan’s Dilemma
Maximization of Family Income and Child Labor
Final Words
Child Labor and Its Efficiency
Child’s Disutility of Work
Different Efficiencies and Potentially Different Outcomes
Marginal Bans on Child Labor
Economic Eddies and Existence of Different Industry Sizes
Economic Yoyos and Their Flows
A Simple Model for Perfect Capital Markets
The Simple Model When Capital Markets Are Imperfect
A Fresh Look at Interindustry Wage Differentials
Financially Resourceful Companies
Companies with Limited Resources
Look Back at Some of the Existing Literature
The Law of One Price
Dynamics between Long-Term and Short-Term Projects
The Yoyo Model Foundation for Empirical Discoveries
CEO’s Choices of Projects
A Quick Glance at the History of Mathematics
The Beginning
First Crisis in the Foundations of Mathematics
Second Crisis in the Foundations of Mathematics
Third Crisis in the Foundations of Mathematics
Hidden Contradictions in the Modern System of Mathematics
The Concepts of Actual and Potential Infinities
Are Actual Infinities the Same as Potential Infinities?
Do Infinite Sets Exist?
The Cauchy Theater Phenomena
The Return of the Berkeley Paradox
The Fourth Crisis in the Foundations of Mathematics?
V-30 Graphs: A Structural Prediction Method
The Fundamentals
Roles of Rolling Currents and Ultra-Low Temperature in Weather Evolution
The Design of V-30 Graphs
Case Studies Using V-30 Graphs
Suddenly Appearing Severe Convective Weather
Small, Regional, Short-Lived Fog and Thunderstorms
Windstorms and Sandstorms
Abnormally High Temperatures
…each of the 18 chapters of this monograph establishes some brand new and important results along with its author's attempt to address important problems … This book is a must read for young scholars who are looking for new directions for their future careers. And, it can and should also be a magnificent read for seasoned scholars who want to rekindle their curiosity and peek into disciplines outside their domains which they did not have time or energy to care about for years. Other than what are obtained already, this monograph surely contains leads for future research in many scientific areas while providing a practically usable road map, thinking logic, and methodology that are different of those of modem science.
—Diego Rapoport, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina, Kybernetes, June 2010