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Effective Methods for Software and Systems IntegrationBy Boyd L. Summers View larger

Effective Methods for Software and Systems IntegrationBy Boyd L. Summers


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Before software engineering builds and installations can be implemented into software and/or systems integrations in military and aerospace programs, a comprehensive understanding of the software development life cycle is required. Covering all the development life cycle disciplines, Effective Methods for Software and Systems Integration explains how to select and apply a life cycle that promotes effective and efficient software and systems integration.

The book defines time-tested methods for systems engineering, software design, software engineering informal/formal builds, software engineering installations, software and systems integration, delivery activities, and product evaluations. Explaining how to deal with scheduling issues, the text considers the use of IBM Rational ClearCase and ClearQuest tools for software and systems integration. It also:

Presents methods for planning, coordination, software loading, and testing Addresses scheduling issues and explains how to plan to coordinate with customers Covers all development life cycle disciplines Explains how to select and apply a life cycle that promotes effective and efficient software and systems integration

The text includes helpful forms—such as an audit checklist, a software/systems integration plan, and a software checklist PCA. Providing you with the understanding to achieve continuous improvements in quality throughout the software life cycle, it will help you deliver projects that are on time and within budget constraints in developmental military and aerospace programs as well as the software industry.

Table of Contents

Software and Systems Integration Methods
Program and Project Planning
Systems Design
Software Requirements
Software Design/Development
Software Implementation
Software Integration
Software and Systems Integration
Software Subcontractor
Software and Systems Integration Delivery
Product Evaluation
Further Reading

Program and Project Planning
     Framework Established
Senior Management
Program and Project Planning
Planned Schedules
Development Plan
Team Code of Conduct
Further Reading

Systems Design
Definition of System Design
System Engineering Plan
Software Architecture Evaluation
Further Reading

Software Requirements
Definition of Software Requirements
     Use Case
     Verification and Validation
Requirements Documentation
     Requirements Traceability
     Formal Review Preparation
Managing a Requirements Tool
Released Software Requirements
Further Reading

Software Design
Development Plan
Software Design Decisions
     Software Requirements Evaluation
     Software Reuse
Peer Reviews
Software Design/Development Suggestions
     Concurrent Software/Design Development
     Lean Software Design/Development
     Lean Software Configuration Management
Agile Software Processes
Configuration Management
Software Standards
Capability Maturity Model Integration
     CMMI Version 1.3
     Lean Six Sigma
Software Companies
     Software Design/Development
Further Reading

Software Implementation
Configuration Management
     Build Requests
Configuration Management Tools
     IBM Rational ClearCase
     IBM Rational ClearQuest
Software Media and Data
Future Trends
     Tool Support
Further Reading

Software Integration
Software Integration Strategy
     Approach to Software Integration
     Software Integration Testing
     The Big Picture
Development Facility
     Software Operations
     Software Configuration
Software Integration Setup
     Integration Test
     Installation Plans and Procedures
     Integration and Checkouts
Software Integration Log
Software Test Completion
Integration Verification and Validation
Configuration Reviews and Audits
Further Reading

Software and Systems Integration
Software and Systems Integration Plan
Software and Systems Integration Facility
     Facility Operations
     Facility Configuration
Integration Setup
Formal Engineering Build
Test Team
     Roles and Assignments
     Integration Test Processes
     Problem Discovery
     Problem Reports
Quality Participation in Software and Systems Integration
     Quality Checklist
     Verification and Validation
Late Nights, Early Mornings, and Weekends
     Software Quality Support
Break the Mold
The Bottom Line
Effective Methods for Software and Systems Integration
     Monitor Planning Progress
Risk Management
     Risk-Based Integration
     Risk Integration Standards
     Evidence of Requirements
Systems/Software Design
     Team Coordination
     Plans and Procedures
     Acceptance Test
Continuous Integration
Configuration Management
     Peer Review Assurance
     Software and Systems Assurance
     Additional Quality Concepts
     Improving Quality and Productivity
Customer Satisfaction
Taking the Initiative for Change
Further Reading

Software Subcontractor
Program and Project Selection
Subcontractor Approach
Software Subcontractor Plan
9.4.1 Software Audits
9.4.2 Audit Checklist

Software and System Delivery
Software Media and Data Delivery
     Software Documentation
     Version Control Documentation
     Build and Installation Procedure
     Delivery Package
     Final Software and Systems Delivery
First Article Inspection
Functional Configuration Audit
Physical Configuration Audit
Further Reading

Product Evaluation
Quality Assurance
     Software Quality Plan
     Software Engineering Process Group
Product Evaluation Schedule
     Senior Managers
     Program and Project Managers
     System and Software Team Participation
Audit Findings
Corrective Actions
     Corrective Audit Plan
Quality Metrics
Quality Management System
Software Process
      Software Process Assessment
     Software Reviews
     Software Process Improvement
Stress Management Techniques
Solving Quality Issues
Further Reading

Acronyms and Glossary
Software/Systems Integration Plan
Software Audit Checklist
Software Checklist PCA


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Boyd L. Summers is currently working as a software engineer for the Boeing Company in Seattle, Washington. With 30 years of experience in software engineering and as a leader of multiple software development teams, Boyd continues to solve complex technical challenges to ensure that system and software engineering problems are addressed, resolved, and compliant.

Boyd is also the author of the software technology book, Software Engineering Reviews and Audits. For questions about current and future software technology solutions, e-mail [email protected]

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