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Creo Parametric 5.0 Advanced TutorialBy Roger Toogood


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ISBN 9781630572105
Published June 27, 2018 by SDC Publications
272 Pages

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The purpose of Creo Parametric 5.0 Advanced Tutorial is to introduce you to some of the more advanced features, commands, and functions in Creo Parametric. Each lesson concentrates on a few of the major topics and the text attempts to explain the “why’s” of the commands in addition to a concise step-by-step description of new command sequences.

This book is suitable for a second course in Creo Parametric and for users who understand the features already covered in Roger Toogood’s Creo Parametric Tutorial. The style and approach of the previous tutorial have been maintained from the previous book and the text picks up right where the last tutorial left off.

The material covered in this tutorial represents an overview of what is felt to be the most commonly used and important functions. These include customization of the working environment, advanced feature creation (sweeps, round sets, draft and tweaks, UDFs, patterns and family tables), layers, Pro/PROGRAM, and advanced drawing and assembly functions.

Table of Contents

1. Customization Tools and Project Introduction  2. Helical Sweeps and Variable Section Sweeps  3. Advanced Rounds, Drafts and Tweaks  4. Patterns and Family Tables  5. User Defined Features (UDFs)  6. Pro/PROGRAM and Layers  7. Advanced Drawing Functions 8. Advanced Assemblies

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