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Enterprise Dynamics SourcebookEdited By Kenneth C. Hoffman View larger

Enterprise Dynamics SourcebookEdited By Kenneth C. Hoffman


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ISBN 9781138381421
Published September 10, 2018 by Auerbach Publications
379 Pages 111 B/W Illustrations

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Rapidly changing market, technological, and organizational environments are forcing government and private sector enterprises to improve services and transform processes. Employing a case study approach, the Enterprise Dynamics Sourcebook presents frameworks and analytical models of the enterprise as a complex system to improve your understanding of its dynamic elements and their interactions.

Illustrating the transformation environments and the evolution of methods required to address emerging challenges, this sourcebook is the product of MITRE-sponsored research on enterprise dynamics and the range of applications pertaining to enterprise transformation programs. It explains how to address the complexities involved with the coordination of policies, organizations, economics, and technology (POET) in operational strategies and processes. It also:

Presents qualitative and quantitative data-analytic methods including process workflow, systems dynamics, and highly optimized tolerance-inspired models of SoSE processes Features Bayesian probability and state-space transition methods to address uncertainties in the controlled, influenced, and uncontrolled aspects of enterprise dynamics Explains how to use hybrid multi-scale modeling coupled with enterprise architecture to support decision making in the design, acquisition, and management of complex transformation efforts Outlines methods applicable in the national security, aviation, nuclear waste processing, international commerce, energy and materials, and healthcare sectors of the U.S. economy

The structures and concepts covered in this book will be useful to managers and technical staff in government entities as well as private sector enterprises with significant operational and regulatory interaction with government entities. The enterprise dynamics methods discussed can help in the advancement of systems engineering practices at the enterprise level and also enable the enterprise systems engineering and architecting (ESE/A) process.

Filled with examples, the text provides the understanding of the qualitative and quantitative data-analytic methods required to reduce risk and failure rates and enable your organization to operate effectively in today’s complex and ever-changing environment.

Table of Contents

Defining Enterprise and Transformation Challenges; Kenneth C. Hoffman, William J. Bunting, and Anne Cady
From Systems Engineering to Enterprise Systems Engineering; Kenneth C. Hoffman
Foundations of Enterprise Systems Engineering and Architecting; Christopher G. Glazner
Enterprise Dynamics Methods and Models; Kenneth C. Hoffman, William J. Bunting, Christopher G. Glazner, and Leonard A. Wojcik
Managing Enterprise Transformation Using ESE/A; Fran Dougherty, Elaine S. Ward, and Kenneth C. Hoffman

Simulation of Enterprise Architecture for a Business Strategy; Christopher G. Glazner
Reasoning on Technology Uncertainties for Enterprise Transformation; William J. Bunting
Optimal Control and Differential Game Modeling of a Systems Engineering Process for Transformation; Leonard A. Wojcik and Kenneth C. Hoffman
Hybrid Systems Dynamic, Petri Net, and Agent-Based Modeling of the Air and Space Operations Center; Jennifer Mathieu, John James , Paula Mahoney, Lindsley G. Boiney, Richard Hubbard, and Brian E. White
Nuclear Waste Management Strategic Framework for a Large-Scale Government Program; Gregory A. Love, Christopher G. Glazner, Samuel G. Steckley, Kristin Lee , and Teresa A. Tyborowski
International Trade and Commerce: Enterprise Systems Engineering and Architecture in a Multiagency Environment; William J. Bunting and Kenneth C. Hoffman
Energy and Materials Systems as an Enterprise Systems Engineering Application: Planning and Analysis for the Economy’s Infrastructure; Bradley C. Schoener, Samuel G. Steckley, David H. Reid, Patrick B. Mahoney, Daniel B. Chamberlain, and Kenneth C. Hoffman
Modeling the Nation’s Healthcare System as a Dynamic Enterprise; Fran Dougherty, Kenneth C. Hoffman, Honora R. Huntington, Joseph K. Jun, Dave Klein, Kristin Lee, Bradley C. Schoener, and Mark Walters
Epilogue: Enterprise Systems Engineering and Architecting—Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead; Kenneth C. Hoffman, William J. Bunting, Anne Cady, Christopher G. Glazner, and Leonard A. Wojcik


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Kenneth C. Hoffman is a senior principal systems engineer at The MITRE Corporation’s Center for Connected Government. He earned a PhD in Systems Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from New York University. He is engaged in planning and analysis of energy, healthcare, and financial systems.

Ken has over 40 years of experience in R&D and executive management in manufacturing and service organizations. He was chairman of the Department of Energy and Environment, and director of the National Center for Analysis of Energy Systems, at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He led the development of energy system–economic models and their application to national energy R&D planning. In addition he was engaged in R&D on energy and materials technology and was project engineer on experimental facilities including the Brookhaven Solar Neutrino Observatory.

His career path from Brookhaven included executive management positions at the Mathtech Division of Mathematica Corporation (1980–1985) and (upon acquisition) at Martin Marietta Corporation (1985–1990), then to his current position at The MITRE Corporation, a not-for-profit organization that operates five federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs).

William J. Bunting is a principal information systems engineer at the MITRE Corporation’s Center for Connected Government and earned a PhD in Information Technology from George Mason University and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He supports enterprise transformations in federal agencies involved in border management, immigration, and defense.

He has over 30 years of experience in enterprise architecture, requirements engineering, and systems engineering. His focus has been on aligning technology investments to strategic goal attainment, effective use of enterprise architecture information, making valid enterprise business decisions, development of quality requirements, and the establishment of processes for enterprise architecture, requirements engineering, and organizational business decisions. He has supported a wide range of transformations such as executive-level decision making for army logistics, aligning technology implementation for entry screening of all cargo into the United States, and accurate requirements engineering for biometric-based identity management.

He has worked for several companies starting with the Boeing Company, Arthur Anderson, and Federal Data Corporations, and in 2002 joined the MITRE Corporation.

Anne Cady is a director and chief systems engineer at MITRE’s Center for Connected Government. She has BS degree majors in mathematics, chemistry, and biology and an MS in biochemistry. She has over 30 years of experience in technical leadership and management and hands-on development in all aspects of enterprise, system, and software engineering. Anne also has experience in modeling and simulation, database design and development, and system implementation.

Anne has led numerous design, analysis, development, and technical assessment projects for large complex systems in the U.S. Deparment of Defense (DoD), the intelligence community, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other federal government civilian agencies. She has led the implementation of enterprise resource planning systems in multiple organizations. She was principal investigator for a MITRE internal research and development project on emergency preparedness and response that focused on creating a dynamic incident management enterprise. Her current work focuses on the implementation and transformation of complex adaptive systems and enterprise ecosystems.

Christopher G . Glazner is a lead information systems engineer at The MITRE Corporation’s Center for Connected Government. He holds a PhD in Engineering Systems and a Masters in Technology Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and degrees in Electrical Engineering and Plan II from the University of Texas at Austin. He currently leads a group engaged in modeling and simulating government enterprises, capturing the interaction of process, policy, and organizational dynamics in an effort to build more effective government enterprises. He has worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Energy, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Courts, and the Department of Homeland Defense.

Leonard A. Wojcik is a project team manager at The MITRE Corporation’s Center for Advanced Aviation System Development. He earned a PhD in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie-Mellon University, an MS in Physics from Cornell University, and a BA in Physics and Mathematics from Northwestern University. He is engaged in analysis of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).

Len has over 30 years of experience in engineering and policy research and analysis. He analyzed air transportation safety and infrastructure construction R&D at the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) of the U.S. Congress (1987–1988). He was director of research at the nonprofit, industry-supported Flight Safety Foundation (1988–1990). At MITRE (1979–1987 and 1990–present), he served as liaison to the Santa Fe Institute, and his engineering research and analysis spans various large-scale military and civil aviation systems. Len’s research includes applications of agentbased and economywide modeling to assess large-scale engineered systems

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