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The Encyclopedia of Image Processing presents a vast collection of well-written articles covering image processing fundamentals (e.g. color theory, fuzzy sets, cryptography) and applications (e.g. geographic information systems, traffic analysis, forgery detection). Image processing advances have enabled many applications in healthcare, avionics, robotics, natural resource discovery, and defense, which makes this text a key asset for both academic and industrial libraries and applied scientists and engineers working in any field that utilizes image processing. Written by experts from both academia and industry, it is structured using the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) first published in 1988, but most recently updated in 2012.
General and Reference. Hardware. Computer Systems. Organization. Networks. Software and Its Engineering. Theory of Computation. Mathematics of Computing. Information Systems. Security and Privacy. Human-Centered Computing. Computing Methodologies. Applied Computing. Social and Professional Topics. Proper Nouns: People, Technologies and Companies.
Philip A. Laplante is Professor of Software and Systems Engineering Penn State University.