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Leapfrog Geo is a workflow-based 3D geological modelling tool. Leapfrog Geo’s advanced implicit modelling engine bypasses time-consuming wireframing and lets you build models directly from various sources including drillholes, points and surfaces.
Models update dynamically when new data is added to a project, making it easy to keep models current. This reduces the risk of making key decisions based on out-of-date information.
With Leapfrog Geo, you can rapidly build complex geological models from drillhole data, structural data, points, polylines and meshes in the project.
Define a surface chronology to determine the cutting relationship Model planar and volumetric surfaces, veins and stratigraphic sequences Model complex vein systems that fold, curve and bifurcate from one another Apply structural data to influence and guide the overall geometry of surfaces Define faults and the relationships between them with the fault system Assign categories to blocks based on any of your modelsLeapfrog Geo’s powerful interpolation engine lets you easily build interpolants from drillholes and point data.
Quickly visualise isosurfaces for rapid insight Incorporate complex anisotropies Create indicator models to guide further work Build multi-domained interpolants Export interpolant volumes, isosurfaces and compositesEasily build block models and keep them up-to-date.
Create block models in Leapfrog Geo’s 3D scene Import block models in Isatis and UBC formats Assign properties to blocks from geological and numeric models Create sub-blocked models and define triggering surfaces Export models in common industry formatsLeapfrog Geo is committed to not being the roadblock in your modelling workflows. Leapfrog Geo imports and exports points, polylines, meshes and block models in multiple industry-standard formats and can readily fit into established processes.
Leapfrog partners with other leading companies to ensure we are providing the best end-to-end solution.