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BS EN 12350-8:2019 Testing fresh concrete - Self-compacting concrete. Slump-flow test
BS EN 12390-7:2019 Testing hardened concrete - Density of hardened concrete
BS EN 13071-2:2019 Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied - Additional requirements for underground or partly underground systems
BS EN 13071-1:2019 Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied - General requirements
BS EN 16602-70-60:2019 Space product assurance. Qualification and Procurement of printed circuit boards
BS EN IEC 62386-104:2019 Digital addressable lighting interface - General requirements. Wireless and alternative wired system components
BS EN IEC 55016-1-1:2019 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus. Measuring apparatus
BS EN IEC 61851-1:2019 Electric vehicle conductive charging system - General requirements
BS EN 17131:2019 Textiles and textile products. Determination of dimethylformamide (DMF), method using gas chromatography
BS EN 12807:2019 LPG equipment and accessories. Transportable refillable brazed steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Design and construction
BS EN 12350-7:2019 Testing fresh concrete - Air content. Pressure methods
BS EN 12390-2:2019 Testing hardened concrete - Making and curing specimens for strength tests