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BS EN 6138:2017 Aerospace series. Cap, protective, non-metallic for fitting ends $3L 3 000 PSI hydraulic systems
BS EN 14223:2017 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other concrete surfaces trafficable by vehicles. Determination of water absorption
BS EN 14691:2017 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other concrete surfaces trafficable by vehicles. Compatibility by heat conditioning
BS EN 14692:2017 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other concrete surfaces trafficable by vehicles. Determination of the resistance to compaction of an asphalt layer
BS EN 13653:2017 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other concrete surfaces trafficable by vehicles. Determination of shear strength
BS EN 62830-3:2017 Semiconductor devices. Semiconductor devices for energy harvesting and generation - Vibration based electromagnetic energy harvesting
BS EN 14694:2017 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other concrete surfaces trafficable by vehicles. Determination of resistance to dynamic water pressure after damage by pre-treatment
BS EN 12101-2:2017 Smoke and heat control systems partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
BS EN 1793-1:2017 Road traffic noise reducing devices. Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Intrinsic characteristics of sound absorption under diffuse sound field conditions
BS EN 50341-2-6:2017 Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - National Normative Aspects (NNA) for SPAIN (based on EN 50341-1:2012)
BS EN 62435-5:2017 Electronic components. Long-term storage of electronic semiconductor devices - Die and wafer devices
BS EN 62739-3:2017 Test method for erosion of wave soldering equipment using molten lead-free solder alloy - Selection guidance of erosion test methods