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18/30349536 DC BS ISO 12641-2. Graphic technology. Prepress digital data exchange partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
18/30356629 DC BS ISO 10763. Hydraulic fluid power. Plain-end, seamless and welded precision steel tubes. Dimensions nominal working pressures partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
PD CEN/TS 17196:2018 Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Digestion by aqua regia for subsequent analysis of inorganic substances
18/30323854 DC BS EN 62959. Environmental conscious design (ECD). Principles, requirements and guidance partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
18/30363678 DC BS EN ISO 22232-2. Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
18/30363681 DC BS EN ISO 22232-3. Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment - Part 3. Combined equipment
PD IEC TS 62600-103:2018 Marine energy. Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Guidelines for the early stage development of wave energy converters. Best practices and recommended procedures for the testing of pre-prototype devices
18/30354865 DC BS ISO/IEC 24761. Information technology. Security techniques. Authentication context for biometrics partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
18/30356623 DC BS ISO 6935-2. Steel for the reinforcement of concrete partTitleEN sectionTitleEN