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18/30357582 DC BS ISO 22152. Ships and marine technology. Performance requirements for low bio-persistence mineral wool products. Alkaline earth silicate wool
18/30359432 DC BS EN ISO 11105. Small craft. Ventilation of petrol engine and/or tank compartments partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
18/30363632 DC BS ISO 14620-2. Space systems. Safety requirements partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
18/30348377 DC BS ISO 21105. Performance of buildings. Building enclosure thermal performance verification and commissioning - Part 1. General requirements
18/30363240 DC BS EN 60704-2-8 Ed.2.0. Household and similar electrical appliances. Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
PD CEN/TR 17080:2018 Design of fastenings for use in concrete. Anchor channels. Supplementary rules
PD IEC TR 62672:2018 Reliability and availability evaluation of HVDC systems
PD IEC TR 63145-1-1:2018 Eyewear display - Generic introduction
18/30324741 DC BS ISO 20588. Animal feeding stuffs. Terminology partTitleEN sectionTitleEN