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PD CEN/TS 17249-2:2018 Intelligent transport systems. eSafety - eCall for HGVs and other commercial vehicles
19/30361101 DC BS ISO 22483. Tourism and related services. Accommodation: Hotels. Service requirements partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30363236 DC BS EN IEC 60704-2-7. Household and similar electrical appliances. Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30363856 DC BS ISO/IEC 27102. Information technology. Security techniques. security management guidelines for cyber insurance partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30363094 DC BS EN IEC 61755-3-12. Fibre Optic Interconnecting Devices and Passive Components. Connector Optical Interfaces partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30350757 DC BS ISO 20415. Trusted mobile e-document framework. Requirement, functionality and criteria for ensuring reliable and safe mobile e-business
19/30359062 DC BS ISO 8820-12. Road vehicles. Fuse-links partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30359065 DC BS ISO 8820-13. Road vehicles. Fuse-links partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30324526 DC BS ISO 19585. Heavy commercial vehicles and buses. Vehicle dynamics simulation and validation. Steady-state circular driving behavior
19/30360170 DC BS ISO 22404. Plastics. Determination of the aerobic biodegradation non-floating materials exposed to marine sediment. Method by analysis evolved carbon dioxide partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30354953 DC BS ISO 18314-4. Analytical colorimetry - Part 4. Metamerism index for pairs of samples at change of illuminant
BS 8848:2014 Specification for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions and adventurous activities outside United Kingdom partTitleEN sectionTitleEN