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BS IEC 61892-4:2019 Mobile and fixed offshore units. Electrical installations - Cables
19/30331286 DC BS ISO 20852. Textiles. Determination of the total heat transfer through textiles in simulated environments
19/30351707 DC BS ISO 21222. Surface chemical analysis. Scanning probe microscopy. Procedure for the determination of elastic moduli for compliant materials using atomic force microscope and the two-point JKR method
BS 6079:2019 Project management. Principles and guidance for the management of projects
19/30350303 DC BS IEC/IEEE 61886-1. Subsea equipment partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30342713 DC BS ISO 18684. Timekeeping instruments. Watch external parts made of hard material. General requirements and test methods partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30358625 DC BS ISO 22186. Milk and milk products. Determination of nitrofurazone
BS IEC 62047-36:2019 Semiconductor devices. Micro-electromechanical devices - Environmental and dielectric withstand test methods for MEMS piezoelectric thin films
19/30357517 DC BS ISO 7176-19. Wheelchairs - Part 19. Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor vehicles
19/30339125 DC BS ISO 14955-5. Machine tools. Environmental evaluation of machine tools - Part 5. Principles for testing woodworking machine tools with respect to energy supplied
BS IEC 62047-33:2019 Semiconductor devices. Micro-electromechanical devices - MEMS piezoresistive pressure-sensitive device
19/30359451 DC BS EN ISO 17409. Electrically propelled road vehicles. Conductive power transfer. Safety requirements