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API MPMS 1:1994 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 1 - Vocabulary
API PUBL 4613:1994 Study of Refinery Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks Appendices
API PUBL 4587:1994 Remote Sensing Feasibility Study of Refinery Fenceline Emissions
API PUBL 4612:1994 Study of Refinery Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks
API PUBL 1638:1994 Waste Management Practices for Petroleum Marketing Facilities
API PUBL 331:1994 Environmental Performance Indicators: Methods for Measuring Pollution Prevention
API PUBL 326:1994 Cost Effectiveness of VOC and NOx Emission Control Measures
API PUBL 4605:1994 Investigation of MOBILE5a Emission Factors: Evaluation of IM240-to-FTP Correlation and Base Emission Rate Equations
API PUBL 4602:1994 Minimization, Handling, Treatment, and Disposal of Petroleum Products Terminal Wastewaters; Errata - 1994
API PUBL 4593:1994 Transport and Fate of Non-BTEX Petroleum Chemicals in Soils and Groundwater
API PUBL 329:1994 Generation and Management of Residual Materials Petroleum Refining Performance 1991 Survey
API PUBL 1669:1994 Results of a Retail Gasoline Outlet and Commercial Parking Lot Storm Water Runoff Study